Monday, October 27, 2008

Things I find beautiful.

1. God's plan for the redemption of His people
2. My children
3. Fall sunsets
4. Freshly bathed children
5. A pregnant woman
6. My husband's laughter when we're sharing a private joke
7. Old hand-embroidered linens
8. Pottery
9. Classical music
10. A woman breastfeeding her babe
11. Campfires
12. A little girl in a dress and black patent mary janes
13. My daughter's hair when it's curly from the humidity
14. The way my husband looks at my daughter
15. My grandmother's hands, disfigured, but still nimble with a needle and thread
16. Violin music
17. Old books
18. Stacked wood
19. A well-tended garden
20. Good conversation with good food

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