Monday, October 27, 2008

Things I find beautiful.

1. God's plan for the redemption of His people
2. My children
3. Fall sunsets
4. Freshly bathed children
5. A pregnant woman
6. My husband's laughter when we're sharing a private joke
7. Old hand-embroidered linens
8. Pottery
9. Classical music
10. A woman breastfeeding her babe
11. Campfires
12. A little girl in a dress and black patent mary janes
13. My daughter's hair when it's curly from the humidity
14. The way my husband looks at my daughter
15. My grandmother's hands, disfigured, but still nimble with a needle and thread
16. Violin music
17. Old books
18. Stacked wood
19. A well-tended garden
20. Good conversation with good food

Sunday, October 26, 2008

An Introduction...

I'm a child of God, saved from the pit of hell about 14 years ago. Daily I marvel that Jesus loved me enough, before I was born, to suffer in shame on my behalf. My heart is filled with gratitude for the work He has done...and will continue to my life. If there is any good in me, I owe it wholly to the love of God, the work of Jesus Christ on the cross, and the power of the Holy Spirit.

I'm a wife of 21(!) years
to my high-school sweetheart, my best friend, my partner in this life. He has always loved me as-I-am, never asked me to change (Lord knows I've needed to!), and has supported my dreams and schemes throughout the years. He is my "rock," my "Mister Steady," and he makes me laugh daily. Our life together just gets better every day!

I'm a mother to 3 boys and 1 girl who keep me humble, happy, busy, interested, tired, impatient, laughing, and just about every other adjective in the dictionary! We've homeschooled our children from birth, and will continue through graduation, unless providentially hindered. We are striving to raise strong, "thinking" Christians, who love God, love learning, and love each other.

On this blog, I'll try to put into words some of my rambling thoughts and ideas about beauty. God created a world of beauty for us to enjoy, and if we know Him personally, there should be no limit to the beauty we our our minds...and in our surroundings.