Friday, March 6, 2009

Beautiful Moment

Potty training is a family affair!


Anonymous said...

That is too cute. Glad I found your new blog. Speaking of finding things - we have a pink and white checked blanket (hope she's not missing it) and a little red "jewel" thing (the girls thought it was T's).

A Happy Wife said...

log cabin lady,

Sissy was quite happy to have her blankie back...thanks so much for washing it!

Talk to you guys soon.

The mom~ster said...

ever time I pop onto your blog and see this picture I feel a groan of anguish rising up inside of me ... of all the things that I've felt overwhelmed about in the land of twins...the impending (years of) potty training of two boys at one time is perhaps the thing that causes my knees to tremble with dread the most

A Happy Wife said...

Potty training is absolutely my least-favorite part of child-rearing! I really hate it...and I don't say that about many things in my life. It seems like I say "Do you have to go pee?" 87,941 times a day...and if I'm not saying it, someone else is. I find it so exhausting...I absolutely understand your anguish. I certainly don't have any advice for you, but I'm sure you'll find a way to handle it when the time comes.

I'll try to post a new picture make your next visit here more pleasant! Haha.