Thursday, March 5, 2009

Handcrafted Beauty

Here's a sachet I made for my Mom's birthday last month. I hand-embroidered the initial in the center, added a floral fabric border, and attached ribbon embellishments with small pink pearly buttons at the middle of each side. The inside sachet consists of an organza bag filled with rice that I scented with vanilla fragrance oil. The monogram is from a book of iron-on embroidery transfers that I have used for many of these sachets. Each design can be used many times.

Hand embroidery is something that I've started doing just in the past few years. By learning only a few basic stitches, it is possible to create lovely and unique gifts for very little money. This project probably cost me less than $5. Had I used fabric from my stash, my cost would've been almost nothing. Just the time involved.

Frugal CAN be beautiful!

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