Saturday, June 13, 2009

More Label Ideas...

I made some fancy labels for my jelly jars last the labels I made for my spice jars a few weeks ago. I had to enlarge them slightly to fit snugly inside the canning rims. Now that I have them perfectly sized and formatted for the jars, it'll be a snap to label all my preserves this way. I created the image with a circle surrounding the olive branches as a cutting line. I had my younger sons cut them out...accuracy is not critical because the rim hides the cut edge. (Some people take the rims off after sealing, but I don't.) Besides looking pretty, the labels make a nice presentation, and I can place a few jars in a basket with a pretty card when I need a quick hostess gift.


Rebecca said...

Well, you MUST know this is my favorite blog of yours yet! BY far!

A house is fun to watch be built, but I LOVE seeing the beauty that makes it a home.

I put you in my blog reader and will (have already) enjoyed seeing all the beauty that comes from your hands. Whether it be dolls, embroidered monograms, mint syrup, or scrabble games.

You are a lovely lady.

But I've known that for a while.

Have you???

A Happy Wife said...

Thank you (as always) for your kind words. I started this blog mostly for combat some wrong ideas that I've been infected with and to validate my belief that God DOES, INDEED love beauty and is glorified when we recognize it as His precious gift to us.

YOU have been an inspiration to me in so many ways...and you've helped me "realign" my thinking about homemaking...that it's not about drudgery, but about making home a warm, loving, supportive, fun, beautiful, Christ-centered haven. (With a little discipline included, of course!)

I'm so thankful that our paths crossed. YOU are a lovely lady, as well.
